Well, the “snow day” that I mentioned in my last newsletter has extended into a “snow month.” It just keeps snowing and snowing and snowing . . . much like it does in many parts of the United States. Church and seminary have been canceled a couple of times, but not school or work! What’s up with that??

C, L & B have recently completed a semester of school and are now working hard on their second semester . . . hoping to get it all done in time to make a trip to Italy and Garmisch in the first two weeks of June. Christian saved (or put off?) most of his French 3 class until the end of the semester requiring him to think and live French lessons for most of his waking hours in the past month . . . amazing how he got a perfect score on his midterm -- I’m just not sure he’ll want to repeat his language learning method (a.k.a. cramming) for his second semester. He also started an internship at the library . . . learning how all those shelves and shelves of books are organized!
Lissie has been busy with Footloose play practice after school with Saturday all day dance rehearsals -- a dream come true since dancing is her favorite pastime. She even taught the youth of our ward how to do the “Hoedown Throw-Down” for a joint activity this past month. On January 26th she earned her Young Women Medallion (ask her about the beautiful embroidered pillow she made for one of her projects -- truly a work of art that even matches her bedroom). And now with the newly implemented Personal Progress program for the young women, she is anxious to start earning her Honor Bee charm.
What can I say about Bryant? He seems to have a soccer ball attached to his foot! I often find it under the table (next to his foot) as he is doing his schoolwork. Just don’t ask me about how he tries to kick it around the living room. He is a die hard member of a die hard soccer team -- they even practice in the SNOW! He is working hard at finishing up a few merit badges that count toward his Eagle scout requirements. He has even corresponded (in German – natuerlich!) with the Heidelberg city officials in an effort to plan out his Eagle service project – a cleanup of a WWII era outdoor amphitheater. He hopes to have all of his requirements completed by the May-June time frame.
I’ve nearly completed one of my BYU classes (on parenting -- since it’s about time I learned how to be a mom) . . . just one more paper to write. I highly recommend a couple of articles from my required reading list: One is entitled Family Work and the other Raising Righteous Children in a Wicked World. Here are the links if any of you are interested:
(Family Work)
(Raising Righteous Children)
I also wanted to share a new favorite recipe: Spinach-Feta Cheese Pizza (thanks to my good friend and wonderful cook--Jeanette). See attachment. Yummy!
And for those of you who haven't already seen this--here's the link to the news coverage of Christian's Eagle Court of Honor:
Happy Valentine's Day everyone . . . we love you!
Lisa & Tracy,
C, L & B
White Bread Dough
(Enough for three pizza crusts)
(also from Jeanette)
4 C warm (not hot) water
2 T yeast
Dissolve yeast in water for a few minutes and then add:
1/3 C vegetable oil
1/3 C sugar
1 ½ T salt
And then slowly add 12 C flour. The last few cups of flour have to be added by hand and then kneaded for several minutes until the dough doesn’t feel sticky. Shape into ball, coat with small amount of oil, cover, let rise until about doubled.
Spinach – Feta Cheese Pizza
From Jeanette:
For the spinach pizza, I kind of made it up as I went along, but, I did something like this-- I melted 1 cube of butter in a frying pan, and added 3 cloves of chopped garlic and sauteed for a minute or two. Next I added about a 1/2 a bag of fresh, cut, and washed spinach and cooked until wilted. Then I added about 6 oz. of feta cheese and about 2 cups of cheddar cheese and cooked it until it all melted together. (I may have added a little salt and pepper, and/or a sprinkle of nutmeg). I put all of this on a pizza crust that I had pre-baked for about 7 minutes and covered with pizza sauce. Then I sprinkled a just a little mozzarella on top and baked it for another 15 minutes or so.