Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sick and Slacking

Well, you may or may not have noticed that I have been slacking on my blog posting. (This might out all of you not-so-dedicated followers!)

It got away from me in September when I actually wrote a nice long post about how Tracy kept falling asleep in Sunday school on the very day that our favorite teacher taught on how the Apostle Paul healed a man who had fallen (asleep) and out the window during one of his sermons! Well, it's mostly funny because I had inadvertently given Tracy a double dose of Tylenol PM (it has Benadryl in it), and he kept nodding off in church. Just a little embarrassing. Hey, I thought it was regular Tylenol! We figured out the real culprit (not me, the Tylenol PM) when we got home and read the ingredient list on the medicine bottle. Hmmm .... I really should not have let him drive us home from church that day. Oh, but this is how the blog posting got away from me on that very day -- the post wouldn't save (or post) and I therefore lost my interesting (and somewhat long) narrative. Bummer. It's taken me two months to recover.

And I can add to that explanation with a long list of other reasons and excuses for my blog slacking:

1. I have too much homework.
2. The dog ate my homework (we don't have a dog), Turtle??
3. I never have pictures to post.
4. I never have the camera to take pictures.
5. The camera is out of batteries.
6. I forgot how to save other people's pictures from FB.
7. I rarely get on FB.
8. I have an aversion to FB (I even have to abbreviate it).
9. You've probably already seen these pictures on FB.
10. . . or Notesshewrote!

Well, you get the picture. The lovely list goes on and on. But I'm trying to play catch up, so here are a few pictures from the (also neglected) month of October:

Christian decided to go to the HHS homecoming dance at the last possible moment. He cleverly used the money I had sent with him for the ordering of his cap and gown -- for a Homecoming Ticket! What?

He's the cute one -- second to the last on the left.

Their homecoming restaurant reservations also changed last minute . . .
to McDs!

A few more pics from homecoming week --
The seniors had a "Lord of the Rings" theme.
Here he is in his Lord of the Rings toga:

And one of his favorite classes - AP Lit, also in toga attire:

And finally, here is a picture of Lissie from the stake Halloween dance. She cleverly made herself some antlers so she could go as a deer. I had hoped that she would take some pictures of the boys too, but all of her shots were taken in the girls bathroom. That explains it, I guess. But just so you know, Bryant had come up with an Aragorn costume complete with (toy) sword. He looked fabulous! Christian wanted to be an "alien hunter," and I broke down this year and made him a very clever costume (square silver helmet, square silver body armor with "alien hunter" in large print), but he decided (last minute, again!) to go as HIMSELF! What?? I think I'm back to never making costumes again.

And one last excuse: I'm home sick today!