I don't like to make a big deal about my birthday, especially as I get into the upper age categories . . . but Tracy and the kids seemed to want to make it a memorable holiday. As soon as we were back from seminary, Tracy let the kids have a day off from school and sent them downtown on the strassenbahn while he went to a work meeting. They didn't tell me where they were going or when they would be back, so I simply went back to bed and had a wonderful morning nap!
Here is evidence of the fun they had downtown
"birthday shopping!"
"birthday shopping!"

The next picture definitely needs some explanation. Lissie has been calling Bryant "fat" and "chubby" for the past several months. This happens on a daily basis and Bryant (who is one of the most fit young men we know) just takes it in stride. I like to remind Lissie that she might want to cease this name calling habit (albeit friendly and in jest) . . . it might come back to haunt her someday! So they thought this postcard they found (while in search of my birthday card) was hilarious!
Translation: Fat children are harder to kidnap!
I know this is only funny if you have been present for all of the teasing banter between Lissie and Bryant. Basically, it is an inside joke and I completely understand if you don't understand their humor.

One more pic of CLB's day off from school . . .
They all got new shades!
They all got new shades!

Happy Birthday to ME!