Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Then and Now

For the past four years, Lissie and Christian have been in the same ballroom dance classes learning the likes of waltz, cha-cha, tango and swing . . . so I wasn't too surprised when I came across this picture from 1997 in my files (Lissie almost 3 and Christian age 4). . .

Here they are 13 years later with a little better form . . .

And speaking of evidence of things to come, take a look at this page out of Bryant's baby book entitled "A Style of His Own" (notice the natural baby mohawk) . . .

And 13 years later with a very similar look . . .


  1. Oh my gosh, those pictures! They are SO cute!

  2. I love the blast from the past! Funniest part is that Marie sent me a copy of that picture of Christian and Lissie in a letter a million years ago. I still have it actually. Can't believe how the time has flown, but your babies are as beautiful today as they were then...all of them.
