Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Gifts of Love

Some of you know I have been working on a couple of big projects this year -- A quilt for Lauren and Steve and a crocheted coverlet for Emily and Jake.

Both projects took so much longer for me to complete than I originally expected (when will I EVER learn?), but I am finally done and they turned out beautifully. I just wish I could have been present when the surprise packages recently arrived in the mail. I even had to be satisfied with a delayed telephone response since they arrived in the evening which was the middle of the night for me -- but the girls and I still had some delightful conversations the next day.

Here is my first ever "real quilt" complete with an attachment of handmade lace (I made the lace for Lauren several years ago) . . .

And I chose this beautiful crocheted daisy pattern because it reminded me of Emily . . .

So . . . I think I am done creating heirloom wedding gifts for a while. And 401 daisy squares later, I cannot possibly crochet again for a VERY LONG time! Good thing Lissie has determined that she someday wants a QUILT as her wedding gift. Just give me about TEN years, okay Lissie?


  1. I love the quilt mom! Thank you so much! It's so beautiful! I'll post on my blog soon!! Love you!

  2. I love love love mine too :) Thanks so much mom!

  3. it's decided. i must move back so you can teach me your skills in crochet. i'm horrible at it.:) and next time you come and visit marie, i'm coming up to see the both of you!
