Friday, February 18, 2011

Passing the (Meltdown) Torch . . .

Bryant, and his good friend Matthew Steffen, both passed their Eagle boards of review last evening. It is an ending of an era for me (my scout meltdown phase) and the beginning of a new one for Bryant and Matthew -- more prestige and responsibility in their scouting careers.

Here they are before they were called in for their interviews:

Undoubtedly they are wondering what questions they will be asked and if they will be prepared with a good answer. Br. Steffen prepped them by reminding them of some of their memorable scouting experiences such as overeating (and undereating) during their cooking merit badge phase, and Bryant getting sick at the veterinary science merit badge clinic . . . how could he forget??? Tracy reminded them both not to suck on their lollipops during the meeting . . . unless, of course, they were going to share with everybody! With such wonderful fatherly advice to put them at ease, how could they not be ready to face the board?

And here they are after they have both been informed of passing:

Yeah, they definitely look a little more relaxed . . . maybe even JUBILANT!

And a few more pictures of some of the immediate fan club:

Lissie made sure to share with them one of her favorite pick up lines: "Are you a BOY SCOUT ??? . . . because you have my heart all tied up in KNOTS!"

The one thing that I will remember most fondly about this evening is how Bryant seemed to radiate goodness.
I love this kid!

The proud fathers with their sons

And one last picture . . .

Matthew and Bryant . . .

trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. What a wonderful accomplishment.
Congratulations guys!

p.s. Marie, I'm passing the scout meltdown torch down to YOU!


  1. But Mom, I don't want the scout meltdown torch!! Waaaaah.

    Congrats again to Bryant! What an accomplishment!

  2. Congratulations, Bryant!! That's so awesome.
    (I'm glad the scout meltdown torch isn't anywhere in site for my future) ;)

    Love all the pictures, mom.

  3. Yay!!! Go Bryant!! he is so cute! I can't believe how grown up he is!! Congrats! that's a great accomplishment :)

  4. Congratulations to Bryant!! (You look taller every time I see a picture of you!) We'll be excited to attend your Court of Honor this summer :)
