Saturday, March 26, 2011

Harry or Henry???

Lissie was asked to make a dessert (for New Beginnings)
to go along with one of the YW value colors.
She chose white which corresponds with faith,
and then enthusiastically announced that she would be making a "Wedding Cake!"
With a little help, she created this miniature
three-tiered confection
complete with bride and groom topper . . .

She learned to make these flower fairies
right around the time Marie and Will were getting married,
so it was easy for her to put together this
ethereal wedding couple.
I know the groom looks like Harry Potter,
but I'm pretty sure his name is . . .



  1. Aw, I love the toppers...brings happy memories of the little fairies she made for us way back when she was still just a baby. I can't believe how much she's grown since then. Where has the time gone?

  2. wow, you guys did such a good job on the cake! It's so beautiful and I'm sure it was absolutely delicious too! Those toppers are so adorable :)

  3. She really did most of the cake herself and stayed up til 11:00 p.m. to finish it. (No wonder we were tired!) We had quite a colorful collection of desserts for New Beginnings last week -- in all eight of the value colors!

  4. I'm back to say how impressed I am with this cake. Having just totally butchered two birthday cakes makes me all the more appreciative of this little masterpiece. :)

    Cake lessons at at Christmas??

  5. Lisa- it looks like Lissie has inherited your talent for making beautiful cakes. I'm sure it was delicious too!

  6. Wow, what a gorgeous cake!! :) I love those little fairies! So cute. Good job Lissie!
