Thursday, January 5, 2012

Our Happy New Year

One might get discouraged when told of the many travel hours entailed in our recent trip to the states for Christmas . . . but that's not how I'm feeling right now! Our first flight from Frankfurt to Dallas was 11 hours, and then 3-1/2 more on the next flight to Sacramento. The next day we drove about 10 hours from Sacramento to Seattle. We were so glad to finally arrive at our destination: Marie and Will's house in Port Orchard. In total, that was a 50 hour trek from our house to theirs!

After a blissful eight days in Seattle, we then continued our travels from Seattle back to Sacramento (via Boise and Salt Lake City this time). In total we logged an amazing 4,122 miles in our rental car -- and Tracy (a.k.a. Super-Driver-Man) did most of the driving. I was especially in awe when he drove all night from Salt Lake to the Sacramento airport. My hero, for sure. Our total travel time from Salt Lake to our home in Germany: 33 hours!

But here is the really good news: I'm feeling completely optimistic about this wonderful new year ahead of us. As I thought about our travels and how we passed through 7 states and along the way saw many of the church's temples -- Columbia River (Richland), Boise, Twin Falls, Rexburg, Brigham City, Bountiful, Salt Lake City, Draper, Jordan River, Oquirrh Mountain, Mount Timpanogos, Provo and Reno -- my outlook on life is cheerful and bright. We spent New Year's Eve in the car, but we passed the Reno Temple right about midnight, honked our horn a few times, and heard Auld Lang Syne and Good Life (by One Republic) on the radio. Those are totally good signs.

I think it's going to be a Good Life and a Good Year in 2012. I can just feel it!

This is NOT a picture of our rental car, but isn't it cute? When I saw this little VW Christmas bus in Twin Falls, I just had to get a picture!

Temple Square in Salt Lake City

The Happy Travelers


  1. I cannot believe all the driving you did! Wow. You're amazing!! And dad drove almost all of it? He is super-driver-man! That's so awesome. Glad you got to see all those temples. And that this is gonna be a good year!!

  2. wow that is soooooo much traveling. I think I would have been sick by the end of it. But I'm glad you guys had a good time and that you got everywhere safely! And I also think that vw van is adorable. It would have been perfect for a photoshoot ;) and yes, it's going to be a great year! Just like the last! :)

  3. Wow! What a trip! I'm so glad you were able to travel safely, and do and see so much. Happy New Year!

  4. I can't believe how many airplane and car hours were clocked! You guys are troopers. Thanks so much for coming! It was such a wonderful Christmas!
