Thursday, July 19, 2012

A Seven Year Journey

I finished my FINAL final yesterday and now I feel like I can officially post about my graduation.  I arranged to "walk" in the April  2012 graduation ceremonies since I was going to be in Utah then (and not in August) and because I was very close to completing all my graduation requirements.  All of my girls and Grandma Minnie made time out of their busy lives to come and celebrate with me.  And Steve and Lauren loaned me the BYU cap and gown (thanks, guys!). I am quite sure I wouldn't have bothered to go to the graduation ceremonies without some of my family along (I really do wish Tracy and the boys could have come too).  Thanks for coming, girls!

Way back in 2004 when Marie had about one more year left before her graduation, I got the idea that I really should graduate with my bachelor's degree too.  It was something that had been on my goal list for quite a while, and I thought Marie (and all of her hard work) could be my motivation.  So I applied for the BYU-BGS program and got started.  I soon learned that the one year plan for finishing was unrealistic and needed to be extended, so I kept working at my classes and set my sights on graduating with Lauren (BYU Class of 2010).  But alas, I still wasn't finished by the time she graduated.  Then I thought, Emily and I could graduate together after a couple more years . . . but that plan also did not pan out (EMILY???).  So essentially, Christian and I graduated in the same year:  Christian from Heidelberg High School, and me, finally, from BYU -- a Bachelor's Degree in General Studies with a Family Life emphasis.  It has been an enlightening and rewarding seven year journey, and I am so pleased to have it behind me now.  My followup "dream job" would be to work as a high school counselor, but unfortunately I am not yet qualified; I would need a master's degree in school counseling.  That is a possible future goal -- but for now, I'm going to work on a few things that I have been putting off for seven years . . . like the garden, and cooking with more variety, and more shared activities with the kids and Tracy, and a bit of crocheting (right, Emily?).  It is time to reinvent myself a little bit.  I told my good friend, Jeanette, that I might even be MORE FUN now that I don't have any more homework!  I sure hope so.

A special thanks to all of my children for inspiring me to complete this degree,
 and Tracy for all of his constant and unfailing support. 
I love you guys!
I'm so glad to finally be done!


  1. Congratulations, Lisa--I am so happy for you! I know you worked so hard at school, and now I hope you will play just as hard for a while before beginning a Master's degree. I'm happy to join in your play anytime, and I can even teach you to knit socks if you want. ;-)

  2. Oh mom, you are so amazing!! Yes, I will get my bachelors... And really, you can take a break from crocheting... I know that wedding blanket pretty much made you hate that pastime. Haha. You're incredible and already do good at all those things you plan to be better at. You're definitely the best cook I know :)

  3. I'm not sure what I did to help you get your degree but I am so proud of you that you did!! Such a huge accomplishment!! And I know the feeling of being done! It's such a wonderful thing! With all the time that I suddenly had, I got pregnant and read every single book on pregnancy from all five of the city's library. I think that you're going to have fun finding lots of new hobbies! Like PHOTOGRAPHY!!! ;)
    Congrats again mom! love you!
