Sunday, October 28, 2012

"Scary" Times and Halloween Fun

Here are CLB posing with one of the dwarfs in the Salzburg Mirabell Gardens last August.  This pic seemed to fit right in with a Halloween post -- just look at their contorted faces! 

I was so proud of Bryant for being selected as the captain of his German soccer team for this particular game, that I had Tracy take a picture with his phone.  Look, he has the captain armband!  But, alas, this pic also seems to fit just right on the Halloween and Scary Times post - Forget the armband . . . all I see is a giant glowing eyeball (Bryant must be invoking his special different-colored-eyeballs powers).  Was the other team from another planet or what?. 

And now we get to the only authentic Halloween pic of the season - Lissie and her friends dressed as "Maroon 5" at the stake Halloween dance.  Very clever -- they actually won the costume contest. They're lucky they didn't have to contend with any aliens, alien sympathizers, or giant glowing eyeballs!

The Winners:  McKay, Giuliana, Nadya, Lissie and Rachel

With Halloween just around the corner, things are definitely getting a little weird around here.


  1. I love their costume idea! Very clever and cute! :)

  2. That was a great idea! I love Bryant's "giant glowing eyeball" too... maybe he does have special powers!
