Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Temple Blessings

Christian went through the temple (Frankfurt, Germany) for his own endowment on January 12, 2013. It was such a special day for us. He seemed to take it all in and enjoy his time there. I was impressed that President Berghahn took the morning to teach and guide Christian (and another young man also preparing for his mission service). It seems individual attention from the temple president is one of the benefits of going through a small temple.

It was a different experience for me too since I have only been able to guide daughters through the temple thus far. I felt peace and gratitude for the blessing of being able to be there and of having such a fine young son.

Here is a picture of Christian with Lissie, Bryant and Tracy one week later. They got to do temple baptisms: Christian as the baptizer, Lissie and Bryant as baptizees, and Tracy as a witness. I couldn't be there because of my work schedule, but I'm so glad they all got to go together, and I love this picture!

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