Saturday, April 27, 2013

HCSC scholarship and DODDS-Europe Honor Choir

A week or so before Lissie left for her week-long music seminar with the DODDS-Europe Honor Choir, we attended the HCSC (Heidelberg Community Spouses Club) banquet where she and about 20 other Heidelberg High School students were awarded academic scholarships for their upcoming college freshman year. We're so glad the scholarship committee recognized the hard work and dedication that went into the academic record and extracurricular achievements.  (I hope to be able to add some pictures from the banquet later.)

We were also so proud of Lissie for being chosen (only two choir members were from Heidelberg) to participate in the DODDS Europe Honor Choir this year. The selected students spent a week learning from Dr. Geoffrey Boers, Director of Choral Activities at the University of Washington in Seattle, and rehearsing for the excellent concert they performed at the end of the week.  It was held in the lovely Friedrich von Thiersch Saal in the Kurhaus Wiesbaden.

These lovely girls are all dressed up and ready to sing!

It was truly and honor and a privilege for Lissie to be able to participate in such a 
fabulous musical week!

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