Thursday, June 20, 2013


All I can say is that it doesn't get any easier as the kids grow up and leave for college. Lissie left on the same day that Marie & Will & kids left, which only compounded the difficulty in saying goodbye.  Both Lissie and Marie had left me kind goodbye notes, and I spent the first half hour or so trying to get up the courage to read them!  As I cried through the readings, and then wandered about the house crying some more, all I could think was "This is not right!"  Then I had to pull myself together and go to work.  Tracy stopped in at the library on his way home from the airport, and we sat on the couches there and cried some more! So no, it doesn't get any easier.  We even contemplate its inevitability long, long before it happens. 

So long, Farewell, Auf wiedersehen, Goodbye!  We're missing you already!

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