Saturday, January 29, 2011

January Thoughts

As in past Januarys, I have made a list of a few things to accomplish, as well as a focus on some ever present needs for self improvement. So far I am making a little progress . . . I no longer consume any kinds of gummies/sweet candies/chips or soda! I don't even miss them, so presumably that was a way too easy goal for me.

My list continues with such things as an increase in service, gratitude, exercise and homework!

My major goal for the year is to complete three more BYU courses . . . which I haven't even started yet. And since I am now considered a senior, I received email instructions yesterday from the College of Family, Home and Social Sciences about graduation (next year, I hope!)

But my 2011 January thoughts have mostly been focused on these two sweet babies:

Annabelle and Cole

This morning I put the finishing touches on their blessing outfits. So obviously, the reason for my lapse in homework hours can be attributed to many hours and hours of crocheting and crocheting. Annabelle's dress took a month to complete, and Cole's outfit (a much simpler pattern since boys don't need lace and frills) took about a week -- even with starting over four times! I can't wait to have them try them on . . . I sure hope they fit!

It seems it's time now to put away the crochet hooks and hit the books.
Here's to a wonderful new year and a new beginning . . . welcome 2011!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Turtle the Cat

Turtle, the cat, became a part of our family on Bryant's eleventh birthday. After his family birthday party that day, we told him we had one more surprise for him and we had to go together as a family to get it. We blindfolded him and then all piled into the van. We drove up the hill and AROUND and AROUND and AROUND every traffic circle . . . just so Bryant knew that adventure was part of his last surprise. We walked him up to the doorstep of a friend's house where we would be picking up Turtle, brought Bryant in to sit on the couch, and then handed him something furry, fluffy and alive! He instantly knew it was a little kitten.

He couldn't have been happier . . .

We thought Turtle was a boy cat . . . until her first check up at the vet clinic. I sent Bryant and Christian in together for the appointment while I had a short meeting outside. I will never forget how Bryant came running out of the clinic exclaiming, "MOM, GUESS WHAT?? Turtle is a GIRL!" That cat is just full of surprises.

She was already named Turtle when we got her. As a newborn she would eat so much that when she rolled over on her back she couldn't get back up again!

She pretty quickly imprinted on Bryant. We often find her curled up on Bryant's coat or cuddled up in his bed. He is definitely her favorite. I think the feeling is mutual.

One last unforgettable trait -- she comes to prayer every night without any prodding. Such a spiritual cat!

Here is Turtle, a few years later (3 1/2 years old), still getting plenty to eat

We lovingly call her a "spoiled kitty" -- she thinks she's the Queen of Everything

Saturday, January 8, 2011

She is a Born Dancer!

This post was first started in July of 2010:

Lissie had the opportunity to take part in a summer session of ballet lessons and here is what her dance instructor, Ms. Christie, had to say to me at the end of class on the first day (imagine a strong Scottish accent):

"I cannot believe that she has not been a part of our ballet programme! She is a born dancer!"

(Of course, Lissie gives credit to Grandma Kay for all of her natural dance abilities.)

So now Ms. Christie has successfully wooed Lissie into her "programme," which wasn't really too difficult since she is a born dancer. And this past week (in July) Lissie has "changed her major" from interior design to dance . . . even though college is still a few years off!

Post continuation (January 2011)

Near the end of the first semester of intermediate/advanced ballet instruction, we were give a calendar of upcoming performances . . . mostly scheduled for Sundays :( This had been one of my concerns before Lissie entered the ballet programme, but I have been very impressed with Ms. Christie's graciousness. When I kindly thanked her for the information and wonderful ballet instruction, I also said that Lissie wouldn't be able to participate in any of the Sunday events. Ms. Christie wrote back and explained how her upbringing was much the same in Scotland and if it were up to her, they would never schedule performances for Sundays! She said she understood and admired our family's closeness.

When Lissie returned to class after the winter break, one of the first things Ms. Christie announced (in front of the whole class) was: "Lissie, I was so upset after I found out that you would not be in our Swan Lake performance this year that I called the theater and already have booked SATURDAY for next year!

I have felt a profound sense of gratitude for Ms. Christie's grace and understanding . . . and I am more and more convinced of Heavenly Father's concern for all of us.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Year's Unplugged -- Courtesy of Heidelberg YM

Anyone who knows Christian, also knows that his favorite pastime is playing and creating music on the guitar or piano (he did give up his personal space -- a.k.a bedroom -- in order to have a band room this year). Our house is definitely the place to be for wannabe rock star band practice. So we weren't too surprised when he was asked a few months ago to head up a stake youth "unplugged" event.

What? A real live audience to applaud his performances? YES!!

So Christian and the Heidelberg priests have spent countless hours organizing this event -- lining up performers and the sound system, creating a playlist, preparing the stage, and especially practicing for the big night.

Here is a sampling of the 20+ acts . . .

Lissie accompanies Kjirsten Baker and Jean Dickson as they sing I'd Lie (by Taylor Swift, of course!) These girls were great together!

And here is Christian accompanying Erin Seage as she sings The Best Day (more Taylor Swift). It really was beautiful. I'm guessing her mom and dad got a little teary.

And next is Christian, Lissie and Bryant (CeLeBration!) performing a Maroon 5 song. Lissie is playing the electric guitar, Christian on keyboard, and Bryant on drums (sorry we can't see him in this picture). Lissie was also the lead singer.

One of my favorite performances was a cover by Lissie and Christian of a He is We song entitled All About Us. The audience was so moved that MANY couples got up to slow dance. Check out this YouTube video to see another rendition of this song (filmed at home since the actual performance view was blocked by the dancing multitudes).
(copy and paste into your browser if you want to see it)

And finally, the H-Town Priests (and Bryant -- you can see him this time) with their opening act -- a cover of Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day. They were very impressive, all on guitar, debonairly dressed in dark gray suits, with some introductory smoky mist. Yes, the crowds went wild . . .

(Aaron Steffen, Ryan Nelson, Mitch Baker and Christian)

That Thing You Do (The Wonders)
by Christian, Ryan Nelson, Aaron Steffen, Mitch Baker and Nick Dupiere

The Grand Finale
A Little Less Conversation (an Elvis Remix)
Christian, Aaron Steffen, Lissie, Ryan Nelson, Nick Dupiere, Mitch Baker, Matthew Steffen

I filmed all of my favorite performers (CeLeBration!, H-Town Priests, anything with C,L&B) . . . definitely worth an hour of your time, so come see me for a chance to relive this outstanding night together. Or better yet, come to the next "Unplugged" . . . I think they're already organizing for more performances sometime in the spring!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Year's "Rock Star" Party

Phase I

Once upon a time . . . a long, long time ago . . . when the "babies" really were still babies, we started a New Year's Eve party tradition. We told our teens (Marie and Matthew at the time) they could invite a few families over; then the youth from those families could stay (even after the parents were ready to head home) and play games (like hide and seek in the dark) and ring in the New Year together. I stayed up only until about 3:00 a.m. so I could function, though minimally, when the babies woke up at their regular time on New Year's Day. Tracy stayed up with the party kids and gave them rides home when they started to droop . . . usually around 6:00 or 7:00 a.m.

Phase II

By the time Lauren and Emily were old enough (at least 12) to stay up into the wee hours of the morning, the party was becoming more and more of a youth party. Tracy still stayed up with them and helped get the friends home in the morning.

Phase III

Fast forward to when Christian, Elisabeth and Bryant are teens (Lauren and Emily are late teens/YA) . . . the party became the ward youth event "all nighter" with party themes such as Hollywood, Hoe Down! and Rock Stars. No longer were parents on the invitation list . . . just every youth who thought he could stay up and play, all night! This party IS NOT a sleepover!

I mentioned to Marie last year that we had "created a monster!" And I must confess that this year I referred to our annual all nighter as the "yearly monster."

But really, this party is not so much of a beast as I make it seem. We enjoy having the youth come over to listen to music, set off fireworks, play games, dance, eat junk food, trek to the bunker, and STAY AWAKE! This year, the game that kept us all perky was CLUE CHARADES. It's so hard to sleep when you're laughing to the point of tears!

So now that the "babies" have grown up . . .
Instead of getting a little sleep so we can wake up when they do, Tracy and I take turns staying awake with them. We fully realize that these annual parties are numbered . . . just a few more years and the all night revelers will be all grown up and starting their own New Year's traditions. I just know we're going to miss it!

Here are some of the 2011 "Rock Stars!"

(Flower Murphy, Jordan Seres, Jackie Seres, Joe Murphy and Lissie)

This next picture shows the glow of fireworks right outside our house (on the left)

Fireworks -- the perfect thing for boys fascinated with fire & explosions!