Anyone who knows Christian, also knows that his favorite pastime is playing and creating music on the guitar or piano (he did give up his personal space -- a.k.a bedroom -- in order to have a band room this year). Our house is definitely the place to be for
wannabe rock star band practice. So we weren't too surprised when he was asked a few months ago to head up a stake youth "unplugged" event.
What? A real live audience to applaud his performances? YES!!
So Christian and the Heidelberg priests have spent countless hours organizing this event -- lining up performers and the sound system, creating a playlist, preparing the stage, and especially
practicing for the big night.
Here is a sampling of the 20+ acts . . .
Lissie accompanies Kjirsten Baker and Jean Dickson as they sing
I'd Lie (by
Taylor Swift, of course!) These girls were great together!
And here is Christian accompanying Erin Seage as she sings
The Best Day (more
Taylor Swift). It really was beautiful. I'm guessing her mom and dad got a little teary.
And next is Christian, Lissie and Bryant (
CeLeBration!) performing a
Maroon 5 song. Lissie is playing the electric guitar, Christian on keyboard, and Bryant on drums (sorry we can't see him in this picture). Lissie was also the lead singer.
One of my favorite performances was a cover by Lissie and Christian of a
He is We song entitled
All About Us. The audience was so moved that MANY couples got up to slow dance. Check out this YouTube video to see another rendition of this song (filmed at home since the actual performance view was blocked by the dancing multitudes).
(copy and paste into your browser if you want to see it)
And finally, the
H-Town Priests (and Bryant -- you can see him this time) with their opening act -- a cover of
Boulevard of Broken Dreams by
Green Day. They were very impressive, all on guitar, debonairly dressed in dark gray suits, with some introductory smoky mist. Yes, the crowds went wild . . .
(Aaron Steffen, Ryan Nelson, Mitch Baker and Christian)
That Thing You Do (
The Wonders)
by Christian, Ryan Nelson, Aaron Steffen, Mitch Baker and Nick Dupiere
The Grand Finale
A Little Less Conversation (an
Elvis Remix)
Christian, Aaron Steffen, Lissie, Ryan Nelson, Nick Dupiere, Mitch Baker, Matthew Steffen
I filmed all of my favorite performers (CeLeBration!, H-Town Priests, anything with C,L&B) . . . definitely worth an hour of your time, so come see me for a chance to relive this outstanding night together. Or better yet, come to the next "Unplugged" . . . I think they're already organizing for more performances sometime in the spring!