Saturday, January 29, 2011

January Thoughts

As in past Januarys, I have made a list of a few things to accomplish, as well as a focus on some ever present needs for self improvement. So far I am making a little progress . . . I no longer consume any kinds of gummies/sweet candies/chips or soda! I don't even miss them, so presumably that was a way too easy goal for me.

My list continues with such things as an increase in service, gratitude, exercise and homework!

My major goal for the year is to complete three more BYU courses . . . which I haven't even started yet. And since I am now considered a senior, I received email instructions yesterday from the College of Family, Home and Social Sciences about graduation (next year, I hope!)

But my 2011 January thoughts have mostly been focused on these two sweet babies:

Annabelle and Cole

This morning I put the finishing touches on their blessing outfits. So obviously, the reason for my lapse in homework hours can be attributed to many hours and hours of crocheting and crocheting. Annabelle's dress took a month to complete, and Cole's outfit (a much simpler pattern since boys don't need lace and frills) took about a week -- even with starting over four times! I can't wait to have them try them on . . . I sure hope they fit!

It seems it's time now to put away the crochet hooks and hit the books.
Here's to a wonderful new year and a new beginning . . . welcome 2011!


  1. Such beautiful blessing outfits! You are amazing, Mom.

  2. Gorgeous Aunt Lisa! No wonder your kids are so artistic and talented...they can't help it...they come by it naturally.

  3. So gorgeous! I am so excited to put her in that beautiful dress. I love it! You are incredible!! :)

  4. i love it mom! thank you so much, they're both beautiful:) yes, you are amazing ;)
