Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Turtle the Cat

Turtle, the cat, became a part of our family on Bryant's eleventh birthday. After his family birthday party that day, we told him we had one more surprise for him and we had to go together as a family to get it. We blindfolded him and then all piled into the van. We drove up the hill and AROUND and AROUND and AROUND every traffic circle . . . just so Bryant knew that adventure was part of his last surprise. We walked him up to the doorstep of a friend's house where we would be picking up Turtle, brought Bryant in to sit on the couch, and then handed him something furry, fluffy and alive! He instantly knew it was a little kitten.

He couldn't have been happier . . .

We thought Turtle was a boy cat . . . until her first check up at the vet clinic. I sent Bryant and Christian in together for the appointment while I had a short meeting outside. I will never forget how Bryant came running out of the clinic exclaiming, "MOM, GUESS WHAT?? Turtle is a GIRL!" That cat is just full of surprises.

She was already named Turtle when we got her. As a newborn she would eat so much that when she rolled over on her back she couldn't get back up again!

She pretty quickly imprinted on Bryant. We often find her curled up on Bryant's coat or cuddled up in his bed. He is definitely her favorite. I think the feeling is mutual.

One last unforgettable trait -- she comes to prayer every night without any prodding. Such a spiritual cat!

Here is Turtle, a few years later (3 1/2 years old), still getting plenty to eat

We lovingly call her a "spoiled kitty" -- she thinks she's the Queen of Everything


  1. I love that picture of Bryant and Turtle :) So cute!!!! and I love Turtle too. She is the sweetest cat!

  2. Love that cat! She is so cute. And that birthday was so fun - Bryant is the cutest!

  3. That is the most adorable picture of Bryant ever! You can just see the joy in his eyes!
