Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Eagle Scouts

You know it's something good when the post starts out like this:

The lovely Lissie flanked on each side with
two of our Eagle Scouts, Christian and Bryant

You may be wondering about the darkness of Christian's skin . . . well, Lissie's been wondering if maybe he's adopted. But really, he just got back last Saturday from a week in the Swiss Alps and mountain sun. That explains it!

We scurried around after we got back from Switzerland to finish our preparations for the Eagle Court of Honor that was to be held the next day for Bryant and his good friend, Matthew Steffen.

Here are the honorees:

We are so proud of both of them!

Christian and Aaron, the fine big brothers, were the emcees for the program. Here is Christian leading the boys in the Eagle promise:

Here they are in the "Eagle's Nest" with their awards, certificates and specially flown-in-Afghanistan (thanks to Br. Steffen) flags:

The beautiful congratulatory cake and other yummies . . .

Congratulatory Kisses!

The parents were all given some time to tell about how scouting had helped to build character and leadership in their boys. Among other things, I gave examples of how some of the tenets of the scout law are evident in Bryant's life -- How he worked and saved to buy his own Apple Computer which was no small feat for a 14-year-old boy (Thrifty). How I have only ever known him to get truly angry one time -- and it had something to do with his new computer! (Cheerful). How he has a love for people of all ages, and a love for animals too. Just ask him about his cat! (Friendly). How he taught me more faith and humility last winter when we were fasting for Jillian's new little baby. I had suggested that he and the other kids break their fast before they went to the stake dance that evening. (I was worried that they would get sick.) But he said to me, "Mom, we can't break our fast. This is for a baby! And he fasted until he returned home later that night, around 11:30 p.m. And that baby is now thriving! (Kind, Reverent).

Dad talked on how some of these characteristics are inherent in Bryant, and how he appreciates scouting for how it helps to develop righteous leaders.

Here we are with our newest Eagle Scout:

It is an honor and a joy for us to be his parents.


  1. Way to go, Bryant!! I love all those qualities about him, especially that last one about Jillian's baby. He is so sweet and kind! Always has been.
    Oh, and the congratulatory kisses are so so cute!!

  2. Love that kid! He's just so lovable! Congrats, Bryant!! And Eagle Scout at 14? That is impressive!

  3. Well, the computer purchase was at 14, but he was given the award at age 15, passed the board at 14, and did his project at 13! He's been a busy teenager so far :)

  4. well those are some sweet things you said about Bryant! Way to go Bryant!!! I can't believe he's an eagle scout already! (and way to go Christian too :) And I can't believe how dark Christian's skin is either! holy cow!!
    I miss you guys!
    ps, Lissie looks SO cute in that blue dress! :)
