Thursday, June 16, 2011

Swing Kids

We actually just watched Swing Kids last night (a movie that I definitely recommend because of its compelling message of courage), but it was also fortuitous for these kids (below) because I was going to give this post the title of . . .

Tutti Frutti!

These are the lucky boys from the advanced ballroom class --
Parker, Matthew, Ethan, Bryant, Christian, Myles and Devan

Lissie and Devyn got together one afternoon and made them all matching T-shirts for the Tutti Frutti swing dance performance (the girls were in poodle skirts).

Here they are in their "Charlie's Angels" pose:

with their lovely teacher, Arianna:

And showing off their nicknames (and muscles!)
It is hard to see in these pictures, but Lissie and Devyn came up with 50s names for each of them --

Hipster, The Bomb, Kookie,
Finger Zinger, Cupid, Beefcake and Hunk-a-Chunk

The boys loved them!

Showing off again!

One more picture with the girls too:

It was the last day of class before the summer break . . .
and they had to say goodbye to a few class members that are moving soon
(Parker, Devyn, Abby and Emma - they will be missed!)

So long to such a wonderful year of ballroom dance together.


  1. Looks like a fabulous group of dancers. I love that Lissie came up with 50s names for all the guys. So fun!

    PS> I want to teach you how to make your pictures bigger. :) I'll email you.

  2. that's so cute that Lissie made those shirts for them!! I bet those boys will always love it ;) I like the nicknames too :) what a fun little dance group :)

  3. Those shirts Lissie made are awesome!! Looks like this years ballroom was a success :)
